What’s in Store for Content Marketing in 2024?

February 1, 2024
Victor Kasinec

What kind of content should marketing teams and agencies focus on in 2024? In this brief article, you will learn about the upcoming technologies and content forms that are poised to take over this year. Marketing agencies and teams that remain adaptive to changes in content form will be able to cash in as early innovators. From augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to new content from stories to user testimonials, 2024 offers fresh perspectives for marketers.


Apple's entry into the market with a premium headset like Vision Pro will boost overall VR and AR adoption. The Apple brand attracts a large and loyal following, and their focus on user experience and design could bring in new users who were previously hesitant due to clunky interfaces or limited functionality. The release of Apple Vision Pro in February 2024 is expected to significantly impact the use of VR and AR in marketing, potentially making them more important than ever before.

Vision Pro has advanced features like HD displays, eye tracking, and hand gesture controls, enabling more immersive and interactive marketing experiences. VR and AR offer unique opportunities for personalized marketing. Eye tracking and user behavior data can be used to tailor content and interactions in real-time, creating highly relevant and engaging experiences for individual customers.

Challenges to Consider: Despite the potential, there are also challenges to consider. The high price point of Vision Pro may initially limit its reach, and the development of compelling VR and AR marketing content requires specialized skills, time, and money. Additionally, privacy concerns and user comfort limitations remain important considerations. Despite these challenges, Hubspot.  reports that 14% of marketers are using AR/VR  as part of their marketing strategy, and 49% plan to increase their investments in 2024.

The release of Apple Vision Pro is a catalyst for VR and AR in marketing. While challenges exist, it's clear that these technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way brands connect with their audience. You can expect to see an explosion of creative and innovative marketing campaigns in the coming months and years as brands explore the possibilities of this new content-form.

Specific AR and VR Examples

  • Product demonstrations: Consumers can virtually see items in exact proportions.
  • Interactive storytelling and brand experiences: Fully transport a customer into an immersive experience while in the comfort of your living room.
  • Educational and training content: VR and AR can be used to create engaging and interactive training materials for employees, customers, or partnerships.

Stories and Portfolio Marketing

Story telling narratives have become increasingly popular. According to a OneSpot study, 92% of consumers want ads in the form of stories. One of the greatest examples of storytelling in marketing is Coca-Cola.

In the ad, the “new guy” comes into the house and is welcomed by the quirky family. The family enjoys a variety of Coca-Cola products. This ad is not only strong in story-telling but also showcases something new from Coca-Cola – portfolio advertising. By combining a realistic scenario and amazing video production, Coca-Cola is able to market not just the namesake but also Sprite and Smart Water. Coke was able to advertise a carousel of products in the same amount of time that many companies use for one product. This creates an efficient use of marketing funds as these products can be cross-promoted.

Creating compelling stories is what some of the best marketers have been doing for years. With the trend of consumers wanting to learn about the brand’s personality before making  purchases, this goes hand in hand with creating compelling story-form content. Companies will be able to build out their brand while showcases products or services.

User Generated Content (UGC)

Reviews matter! According to a report from Global Newswire via Luisa Zhou. 95% of consumers read reviews before buying a product. Of that 95%, 58% said they would pay a higher price for positive reviews on a product. We have seen this as an effective strategy for small businesses such as restaurants, bakeries, and coffee shops. By incentivizing a cookie for a review, people are not only more likely to leave a review but leave a positive one.

By combining real life reviews and marketing, we have a form of genuine marketing that  people are more likely to listen to and purchase a product. Real people and real stories are more impactful than marketing from a company because people are more likely to believe humans over a brand. This user generated content will help the skepticism many companies  currently face and encourage natural growth and brand trust.


VR and AR technologies, driven by Apple's Vision Pro, will offer immersive and personalized experiences. Storytelling and portfolio marketing, showcasing brand personality and multiple products, will resonate with consumers. Finally, user-generated content, leveraging reviews and real stories, will build trust and authenticity.

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